Life can be hard

when you're rainbow


And also when you are a person.

I find that chocolate helps.

There are free support groups that can provide some of the same benefits as therapy!

I know what you are thinking: support groups!? They are full of weirdos! Of course they are full of weirdos. But hearing about the problems of the weirdos might give you perspective. You may think, “wow, at least my life isn’t as bad as that weirdo’s,” or one of the weirdos may have a good tip for dealing with crushing existential despair. Also, it is possible that the weirdos may just be regular people like you who have the humility to acknowledge that they need help.


If you are in college, there are probably like twelve different support groups. You may feel shy to attend. When I was in college, even reading about a depression support group in the student paper made my cheeks flush with shame. Pride held me back. Much later, when I was in my thirties, I attended a Postpartum Depression support group (which I secretly dubbed “Sad Moms.”) All the Sad Moms were just normal people dealing with the enormous stress of new motherhood. The support group was where I first made real friends in my community. When I went on stroller walks with members of the support group and a Sad Mom asked me how I was doing, I could shrug and say truthfully, “I’m in a chasm of despair.” The Sad Mom would be chill about it, because she knew that some days are like that. Then we would go have coffee.


If you struggle with addictions, AA-type groups can be transformative.


If a loved one struggles with addictions, Al-Anon can be great.


If you just had a baby, I cannot recommend a postpartum support group highly enough. Here’s a link to the Postpartum Progress website. Not all postpartum groups are listed here. Try googling “postpartum support group” and your zip code and the name of your county.


Sometimes support groups are available for LGBTQ+ communities.


Your local Rape Crisis Center may offer support groups for survivors of sexual violence.



Copyright 2022 - Kathleen Founds - Depression Whackamole